Club Roster as of March 28, 2025
Is it time to renew your membership? Check the expiration dates listed below!
If your membership lapsed more than a few months ago, you may not be listed. Likewise, there may be a lag of a few days before new memberships and renewals are reflected in the listings.
Join and renew online, securely, by credit card. You’ll also be able to take advantage on some pretty rad new SRC gear.
If you’d like to add a web page or blog to your listing below, please email membership.
If you have other questions about your membership or the club, please use our contact page to find someone who can assist you.
If you click on your "Member ID" number (linked next to your name), you will open a printable pdf that holds your current membership information. Print it out and carry it with you to receive in-store discounts at Fleet Feet Seattle in Ballard, Seven Hills Running Shop in Magnolia, Snoqualmie Running in Snoqualmie, and Flying Lion Brewery in Columbia City.
There are 192 active and recently expired members. |
Last Name | First Name | Member ID | Expiration Date | Website/Blog |
Abrahams | Ben | 2527 | 2025-07-17 | | Acri | Emily | 2578 | 2026-02-15 | |
Ajayi | Ayo | 2555 | 2026-11-07 | |
Ajer | Troy | 2544 | 2025-09-14 | |
Andrews | Patrick | 2576 | 2026-02-02 | |
Angulo | Tyler | 2512 | 2025-04-29 | |
auerbach | daniel | 2432 | 2025-05-20 | |
Baker | Cassandra | 2510 | 2025-04-26 | |
Bakker | Brian | 2590 | 2026-03-13 | |
Barickman | Alexander | 2486 | 2025-01-10 >> renew online | |
Barkhaus | Erik | 1303 | 2026-06-08 | |
Barragan | Sheena | 2592 | 2026-03-18 | |
Beck | Lena | 2518 | 2025-05-14 | |
Bernardi | Thomas | 2287 | 2025-01-25 >> renew online | |
Bernosky | Stefanie | 1942 | 2025-12-13 | |
Bertalan | Eva | 2540 | 2025-09-01 | |
Betz | Bourke | 2382 | 2025-09-22 | |
Black | Nancy | 2569 | 2026-01-13 | |
Blume | Heather | 2534 | 2025-08-13 | |
Bond | Alex | 2595 | 2026-06-25 | |
Bone | Eric | 279 | Lifetime | |
Boutillier | Wilfried | 1774 | 2025-06-22 | |
Brain | Emily | 2214 | 2025-09-08 | |
Brigham | Katie | 2554 | 2025-10-23 | |
Brisbois | Michael | 1183 | 2025-01-02 >> renew online | |
Brooks | Tommy | 2559 | 2025-11-22 | |
Buckley | Joshua | 2513 | 2026-05-06 | |
Burchardt | Tessa | 2209 | 2026-08-26 | |
Butts | Dane | 2484 | 2026-01-03 | |
Chamberlin | Chris | 1667 | 2025-06-12 | |
Chawla | Shishir | 2507 | 2025-04-07 | |
CHOUDHARY | AMIT | 2580 | 2027-02-22 | |
Christian | Randy | 2460 | 2025-11-26 | |
Clithero | Lori | 1803 | 2025-12-11 | |
Colin | Trinity | 2489 | 2025-02-02 >> renew online | |
Coombs | Casey | 2145 | 2025-06-18 | |
Criminale | Martin | 1348 | Lifetime | |
Cruzan | Amber | 1079 | 2025-08-24 | |
Dangler | Jeremiah | 2496 | 2025-03-13 >> renew online | |
Diament | Trea | 2581 | 2026-02-22 | |
Duchesne | Yanick | 2525 | 2025-07-06 | |
Dunbar | Matt | 2505 | 2025-04-04 | |
Easterberg | Jenny | 1828 | 2025-11-28 | |
Ehrhardt | Benno | 2519 | 2025-05-26 | |
Elliott | David | 1041 | 2028-05-05 | |
Farrell | Marlene | 1155 | 2026-08-29 | |
Ferguson | Hunter | 1225 | 2025-04-29 | |
Gaffigan | Chad | 2438 | 2025-05-29 | |
Galloway | Flora | 2162 | 2025-05-11 | |
Gambier | Jimmy | 2551 | 2025-10-14 | |
Gardiner | Terry | 1595 | 2025-05-14 | |
Garvey | Christopher | 2523 | 2025-06-05 | |
Gilbert | George | 2196 | 2025-05-21 | |
Gray | Barrett | 2283 | 2025-09-08 | |
Gregory | Christopher | 2236 | 2027-01-25 | |
Grubb | Jay | 202 | Lifetime | |
Halford | Risa | 2564 | 2025-12-28 | |
Hallock | Will | 2549 | 2025-09-29 | |
Hatfield | Casey | 2524 | 2025-06-24 | |
Hays | Lulu | 2314 | 2025-02-02 >> renew online | |
Heimerl | Laura | 2579 | 2026-02-20 | |
Hesseltine | Adam | 1574 | 2025-10-13 | |
Ho | Sally | 2550 | 2025-10-13 | |
Hoffman | Chris | 1924 | 2026-09-07 | |
Hoganson | Alexander | 2491 | 2025-02-14 >> renew online | |
Holt | Cynthia | 1554 | 2029-10-20 | |
Holtz | Jackson | 2574 | 2026-01-31 | |
Hong | Mathew | 1423 | 2025-07-04 | |
Houk | Kristi | 1989 | 2025-12-25 | |
Human | Human Xavier | 1797 | Lifetime | |
Iles | Ben | 2563 | 2025-12-19 | |
Ingimarsdottir | Bryndis | 2474 | 2025-11-04 | |
Jasper | Susan | 1420 | 2025-06-05 | |
Jones | Jimbo | 2532 | 2025-08-07 | |
Jorissen | Kevin | 2568 | 2026-01-07 | |
Juraschka | Kelsey | 2413 | 2025-03-19 >> renew online | |
Juraschka | Kelsey | 2597 | 2026-03-26 | |
Justus | Z | 2582 | 2027-02-26 | |
Katers | Laura | 2508 | 2025-04-18 | |
Kingsbury | Roselle | 2594 | 2027-06-05 | |
Kirkland | Tabitha | 2583 | 2026-02-27 | |
Kleedehn | Kristine | 2567 | 2026-01-05 | |
Kline | Peter | 1057 | 2028-07-24 | |
Knaggs | Jason | 2546 | 2025-09-22 | |
Konanur | Ketan | 2545 | 2025-09-18 | |
Kudirka | Gabrielius | 2529 | 2025-07-24 | |
Kylyukh | Alex | 2556 | 2025-11-09 | |
Lambert | Karen | 2526 | 2025-07-10 | |
Lambrecht | Jesse | 2584 | 2026-03-01 | |
Landau | Brian | 620 | 2025-03-27 >> renew online | |
Lanthier | Michael | 2327 | 2025-06-24 | |
Lavoie | Ellen | 1738 | 2026-02-03 | instagram = elgranola |
Lawshe | Jeff | 2589 | 2026-03-12 | |
Lee | Maria | 2156 | 2025-01-19 >> renew online | |
Leonard | Hilary | 2537 | 2025-08-21 | |
Litwin | Paul | 1892 | 2026-12-12 | |
Madasu | Venkateshwar | 2593 | 2026-03-22 | |
Maile | Francis | 2586 | 2026-03-03 | |
Mangiantini | Glen | 866 | 2026-09-26 | |
Mann | Rebecca | 2539 | 2025-08-31 | |
Margeride | Antoine | 2588 | 2026-03-09 | |
Marino | Matt | 2218 | 2025-10-06 | |
Marshino | Michael | 2558 | 2025-11-22 | |
Mason | Madeline | 2483 | 2030-01-07 | |
Mats Mats | Stephen | 1753 | 2029-07-06 | |
Mattson | Ryan | 2548 | 2026-09-26 | |
McCaleb | David | 2504 | 2027-03-03 | |
McCoubrey | Scott | 1 | Lifetime | |
McCoubrey | Leslie | 2 | Lifetime | |
Mchugh | Sarah | 2535 | 2025-08-19 | |
McMorran | Ian | 2028 | Lifetime | |
Meerman | Tiemen | 2502 | 2025-03-28 >> renew online | |
Merrill | Shelby | 2478 | 2025-12-02 | |
Messenheimer | David | 2575 | 2027-01-31 | |
Miller | Katelen | 1578 | 2025-09-11 | |
Mills | Gregory | 1731 | 2025-05-03 | |
Mizumoto | Laura | 2538 | 2025-08-28 | |
Morrissey | Mike | 2497 | 2026-03-17 | |
Morrissey | Daniel | 2498 | 2026-03-18 | |
Mutethia | Jeffrey | 2566 | 2026-01-02 | |
Neff | Marcel | 2541 | 2026-09-04 | |
Netols | Gregory | 2334 | 2025-06-17 | |
Niemeyer | Patrick | 1011 | 2029-04-01 | |
Olson | Lauren | 2533 | 2025-08-13 | |
Orias | Anthony | 2517 | 2025-05-12 | |
Orsi | Gabrielle | 1454 | 2025-09-20 | |
Osterhout | Sam | 2485 | 2025-01-10 >> renew online | |
Otani | Russ | 2561 | 2025-12-04 | |
Parr | Richard | 2303 | 2026-11-03 | |
Patton | Scott | 2254 | 2026-04-25 | |
Penton | Felicia | 1360 | Lifetime | |
Penton | Denise | 2466 | 2025-09-12 | |
Pham | Andrew | 2503 | 2025-03-29 | |
Pitman | Erica | 2560 | 2025-12-02 | |
Powell | Colleen | 2416 | 2026-03-05 | |
Pratt | Karen | 2423 | 2025-04-19 | |
Pratt | Harold | 2424 | 2025-04-25 | |
Quintana | Jacob | 2379 | 2025-10-08 | |
Reiff | Derek | 1564 | 2035-10-01 | |
Renda | Scott | 2553 | 2025-10-20 | |
Roberts | Natalie | 1777 | 2025-08-09 | |
Roche | Aaron | 2573 | 2026-01-28 | |
Rosenfeld | Jack | 1943 | 2026-10-28 | |
Rozler | Jennifer | 1690 | 2025-11-30 | |
Ruthstrom | Devin | 2570 | 2026-01-18 | |
Sach | Eric | 4 | Lifetime | |
Schendel-Dittmann | Megan | 2018 | 2025-01-23 >> renew online | |
Sebastian | Leonardo Jr | 2571 | 2026-01-25 | |
Self | David | 2184 | Lifetime | |
sheeran | joe | 2591 | 2026-03-16 | |
Shelton | Christy | 1835 | 2025-02-07 >> renew online | |
Simpson | Quinn | 2499 | 2025-03-19 >> renew online | |
Sirianni | Erin | 2492 | 2025-02-16 >> renew online | |
Smith | Mike | 2158 | 2025-06-02 | |
Smith | Kevin | 2495 | 2025-03-12 >> renew online | |
Smith | Allison | 2501 | 2025-03-26 >> renew online | |
Smith | Elijah | 2530 | 2025-07-30 | |
Steidl | Uli | 253 | Lifetime | |
Steidl | Trisha | 328 | Lifetime | |
Stewart | Mike | 2333 | 2028-05-08 | |
Szablewski | Zachary | 2552 | 2026-10-20 |, |
Szeto | Howard | 2572 | 2026-01-27 | |
Tanglao | Amado | 2511 | 2025-04-29 | |
TANSHI | IRORO | 2520 | 2025-05-29 | |
Terrazas | Aaron | 2531 | 2026-08-04 | |
Thompson | Paul | 2490 | 2025-02-10 >> renew online | |
Tokheim | Bill | 2149 | 2025-02-21 >> renew online | |
Topping | Jeremy | 1997 | 2026-03-26 | |
Tremonte | Chris | 2311 | 2027-02-06 | |
Tully-Smith | Cameron | 2536 | 2025-08-20 | |
Tyler | Randy | 2542 | 2025-09-05 | |
Ultican | Tina | 2444 | 2025-06-24 | |
Umbanhowar | Elizabeth | 2418 | 2027-03-23 | |
Van Den Ameele | Susie | 1855 | 2026-03-10 | |
Van Pelt | Win | 5 | Lifetime | |
Vanderlinda | Samuel | 2487 | 2025-01-20 >> renew online | |
Vasquez | Tyler | 2557 | 2025-11-14 | |
Vaught | Melissa | 2044 | Lifetime | |
Vilanova | Sergi | 2500 | 2027-03-22 | |
Voth | Russell | 2322 | 2025-04-07 | |
Wallace III | John | 656 | Lifetime | |
Watson | Matthew | 2509 | 2025-04-21 | |
Westbury | Nicholas | 2585 | 2026-03-02 | |
White | Chris | 2528 | 2025-07-17 | |
Whitfield | Douglas | 2514 | 2026-05-07 | |
Williams | Kristi | 2565 | 2029-12-31 | |
Willis | Mitchell | 2494 | 2025-03-10 >> renew online | |
Wilson | Asa | 2515 | 2025-05-08 | |
Wood | Robert | 2543 | 2026-09-08 | |
Yanick | Dillon | 2547 | 2025-09-22 | |
Young | Frank | 2506 | 2026-04-04 | |
Zhao | Zhipeng | 2521 | 2025-06-03 | |