Race Reports

Oooohhh…On The Cougar Mountain Tip

Cougar Mountain Series History

Marathons, 5Ks, 100 milers, Ragnars, 12Ks, whiskey miles. If you run somewhat regularly, you’ve no doubt been quizzed on why you run and what you’re training for and what races you like and what distances you prefer and do you do speedwork have you ever met Jodee Adams-Moore cause I have and have you ever run an ultra and well, why the hell not and wait where are you going? I’d just like to say I’m sorry for bombarding you with those questions at the Fleet Feet group run last month but I’m socially awkward and have no clue what to talk about until I’m certain you’re a Seinfeld or Fraiser fan.

If you had harrassed me with the questions listed above, I’d probably refer to myself as a tried and true *distance* runner BRO who logs hella miles and reads Joe Grant blog posts and would totally be best-suited at gnarly ultras like the Hardrock 100 if I really *wanted* to. You’d look at my bald head and George Costanza physique and have no choice but to believe me, but my training* and list of races run the past couple years suggests otherwise.

*This includes weekly SRC Wednesday track workouts, which only perhaps further confuse my brain as I train with even less distance-inclined guys who somehow manage to lap me during 200m repeats. “It’s only cause I’m a hella milage *distance* bro,” I’ll tell myself while gasping for air.

No matter your preference, there’s something for everyone on the weekend mornings of Cougar Mountain races. One per month from May through August, there’s something for the roadie who’s never set foot on a dirt trail to the grizzled Pigtails veteran who only sometimes leaves the mountains and everyone in between. It’s been around since 2003 and has been the playground for many of the wacky characters many of us have heard about over the years in this occasional hotbed of running talent. Just browse some of the old results. In 2003 we had young unknown phenoms with familiar-sounding names like “Jodi Adams-Moore” coupled with a not-quite-the-Fleet-Feet-owner-nor-can-he-rent-a-car Brian Morrison. The future owner of the Balanced Athlete was only my age! Most of the women are running under maiden names you might not recognize today. It’s a time capsule, and with good reason. For someone like me, who can’t pick a discipline and type of running I want to move forward with, I can always rely on the Cougar Series.

So with the 2014 season opener to the historic series looming last weekend, and my lazy spring, the piddly little 5 mile it was. The 5 mile was my very first foray onto Cougar Mountain back in 2008 and I loved it enough that six years later I’m sitting here on my really expensive futon practically begging you to run it yourself (or any other distance in the series) before you die. Compared to the Fremont 5k, it’s an earth-shatteringly hilly course, but compared to all other races in the series it’s easily the gentlest. You climb for a bit after a mile, a bit before and after the aid station at mile 3, but for the most part you can let it fly. To put it another way, it’s the race at which you’re most likely find a Club Northwest runner. On that note, it’s also the race you’ll finish closest to Joe Gray if he decides to show up. I had run the 5 mile four times before last weekend, with what I think are spectacularly consistent results:

2008: 33:59*
2009: 33:31
2010: 33:41
2012: 32:57

*Interestingly, 2008 was the year I PR’d in the (road) 5k with a 16:40, a round, thousand second number I’ve not been able to touch since. As my track splits seem to also confirm my declining speed compared to then, my Cougar times are still somehow trending downward.

Last weekend I was back for #5, this though my first time as an “#SRC-Brooks” honoree. That wish to impress my new teammate Nick Symmonds, combined with the facts that I hadn’t *really* raced since last December and that short races terrify me, had me sweating bullets the morning of. But I had a good poo and ate well and made sure the hay was in the barn. Thirty three minutes and one second later I was done, two places behind the win, behind two fellow #SRC-Brooks “teammates” that I’m not ashamed to admit would have beaten me 99 times out of 100. Four seconds slower than 2012 but on a much sloppier and slower course. All things being equal, I probably ran my best 5 mile yet.

A few months ago I was still entertaining the idea of running the White River 50 mile in late July, because it’s been 3 years since my last jaunt past 50k and I need to believe I’m still a hella distance bro. But as is often the case, I’ve procrastinated and now I find myself only a couple months away from the race and really zero 50 mile-specific training done. Not even an obligatory Mt. Si ascent. Am I still an “ultra runner”? Does it matter? So far in 2014 I’ve raced a beer mile, a 5.2 mile leg in a relay race and a 5.14 mile trail race. In two days I’m going to race a road 5k and a couple weeks after that I’m going to look like am Oompa Loompa next to Brett in his purple spandex at the Fremont 5k.

TLC once famously said “what about your friends?” Well, at the moment my friends like track workouts and short trail races so I guess that’s what I like too. TLC also famously said “Realize the realism of reality treats” which I fully take to heart with my running. Realistically I’ve only got so many more “fast” miles on these legs. Lastly though, ultramarathons, TLC also famously said “Oh baby, baby, baby, I got so much love in me.” And I do. For you. Someday I’ll return to you and become an honest ultrarunner once again, but probably not before a few more of those historic Cougar Mountain races.

I like TLC 🙂

Brooks Ghost with Mud


2014 Chuckanut 50k Images

Saturday, March 15th was the annual Chuckanut 50k trail race in Bellingham, Washington. New records were set, lots of friends were seen, and we had great weather! Here are some pics from the SRC aid station, mid-race.



Featured Media

Mt Si Run + Power Hike Images

Mt Si…mud, ice and snow…breaking out into brilliant sun on top….wow! Good times with friends.



Featured Race Reports

10th Annual Redmond Watershed 12 Hour

Arthur Martineau Recaps His 10th Running of the Redmond Watershed 12 Hour Race
All images courtesy

This was to be my 8th and final time running the 12 hour. I think I’m actually going to miss it. This race holds a special place in my running heart. The first year I ran it, I was ramping up to run my 1st 100 miler. I did almost 60 miles, gave it all I had, and couldn’t walk right for days. It was the first time I’d ever run that far or for that long, and after the race was over, I knew I could finish that 100 miler. Well, I was pretty sure I could! I’ve improved my distance nearly every year, which is always one of my goals. Last year I was just shy of 75 miles, and I was in the best shape yet due to my training for Western States. I knew that would be a tough number to beat this year.

Pre Race
As usual with family, work and pets vying for my attention all week, I threw my gear together at the last minute, the night before the race. My needs are pretty simple at most races, even more-so at this one with its 5 mile loops. I use an Ultraspire Proton belt to hold my water bottles because my noodle-like arms could never make 12 hours even with the smaller 16 oz size, and it gives me a place to stash a few small items. Also I feel like I run much smoother without anything in my hands. I wear the Brooks Launch for all my runs of 50 miles or more unless it’s muddy. I’d like to be able to wear a little less shoe but my feet are too sensitive. No race drop bag is complete without a few Little Debbie Nutty Bars and peanut buttercups, they’re a nice break from gels. I also had to make sure I didn’t forget my new SRC-Brooks team singlet. This would be my first race as an official Brooks-Seattle Running Club team member.

I rolled up to the race in the family minivan around 5:45 AM. Normally I like to relax before the start, but today I would be shuttling runners from the park and ride to the start. I’ve been shuttling runners since they outgrew the trailhead a few years ago. As with most trail races, parking at the trailhead is pretty limited. The race directors, Chris Ralph and Tom Ripley, are great people and even better race directors, so I’m glad to help out in any way I can. I think every runner should volunteer at a race each year. It’s actually fun, most of the time.

After I finished shuttling there were barely a few minutes to get ready. I hit the bathroom and then went through my drop bag. I had my Blue Steel lube, extra water bottle, gels, salt, snacks, extra clothes for the forecasted rain, but no duct tape. Damn! No time to fix that now. Hopefully I could get some before my nipples started to bleed. I figured I had 6-7 hours to remember to ask at the aid station.

Redmond Watershed 12 Hour

During the last minute race instructions, Tom announced that he and Chris would not be hosting this event next year. There was a simultaneous groan from about 85 runners. Then he announced that the race would continue on and that I would be the new race director, at which point there was an even louder groan but only from about 80 runners. I could really feel the love in the air as most of the runners I passed during day gave me a big congratulation on my new endeavor.

Race Plan
The 5.375 mile loop makes planning really simple for me. I take one bottle and one gel every loop. I mix in some aid station food once in a while, normally a chip or a pretzel, sometimes a piece of fruit. My realistic goal was 70 miles and to keep moving with a strong effort for the full 12 hours. Since this isn’t an ‘A’ race for me, it was also important to stay injury free.

The Running
I love the start of most ultras. Everyone acts like middle-school kids, all hopped up on sugar, laughing and joking around. We all feel we can run forever. We all think today is surely going to be a PR day. And at this race you never know who’s planning on running for 12 hours and who’s just out for a quick 50k before they go about the rest of their weekend. After a few loops, everybody’s race plan becomes apparent. At the start, I held back the best I could but the first two laps were still a little fast, just like in the previous seven years. Some people don’t like loops or timed races but I love seeing all the runners that you never get to see during a fixed distance or non-loop race. I love giving and receiving so much encouragement. Even if it’s just a grunt later on in the race, it can snap you out of a funk and get you back on track. I was the most inspired this year by Bob Stoyles. At 84 years old, he did over 16 miles. I hope I can do that at 84. Another reason I like the 12 hour is it seems to get harder as the day goes on. I love the extra challenge of not having a fixed finish line. After 6 or 7 times up, that small hill now seems like a mountain, and that short loop can seem like it’s twice as long as it was last time. It takes a lot of focus to continue giving more effort for the same result. Then, out of nowhere, the opposite happens and you can’t believe you’re done with the loop already.

Eventually, around 30 miles, I remembered to ask for duct tape. No bloody nipples today! As the day wore on my fitness ran out, somewhere around 55 miles. I did a good job at pacing and fueling, I just didn’t have the training volume needed to sustain the pace. Every year there’s a loop sometime after number 9 or 10 that I give all the extra effort I can muster to try get a faster lap in because I know I’ve been slowing down, only to finish the lap 30 seconds slower than the previous one. This year the last 3 loops were like that. I stopped a few minutes early so I could watch the timing system in action.

The Finish
I accumulated 70.595 miles in 11:48. I finished 1st in the over 40 year old age group. I’m normally rather critical of my performances, nearly always thinking I could have done better, but this year I’m happy with this result and look forward to building on it for my summer races.

I’m excited for 2014 when I can watch all the crazy runners go around and around and around. The new website for the race is

Club News Member Information

Apply for the SRC-Brooks Competitive Team!


Dear Seattle Running Club Fans and Supporters,

For 2014, Brooks Running has again generously offered us support with a competitive team. This year the focus of the competitive team will be on trail running and ultra distances and we are thrilled that Brooks is as excited about these activities as we are.

If you would like to submit an application, please download, complete and return this form no later than Friday, March 7th. You can email the application to Brian Morrison, or mail/drop off the application to:

Fleet Feet Sports Seattle
c/o Brian Morrison
re: SRC-Brooks Team
911 E Pine St
Seattle WA 98122

Here are the details

If your application is accepted:

  • You will receive a generous amount of support, which includes several pairs of shoes and clothing.
  • You will be celebrated and promoted on the SRC website and social media platforms.
  • You are obligated to race (always) and train (as much as possible) in Brooks shoes and clothing.
  • You are obligated to be an ambassador for SRC, Brooks, our partner stores, our events, engage others regarding the above and generally present yourself in a professional manner at all times.
  • You are obligated to provide periodic racing and training updates that will be posted on our website and social media platforms.
  • You will be obligated to assist with trail work parties and SRC events.
  • You will be obligated to promote SRC and Brooks via your personal Twitter/Facebook/blog/all of the above on a regular basis.
  • If you were on the team in the past and did *not* meet the above obligations, your failure to do so will be considered in the voting process.

We look forward to supporting you as a runner! Apply today and let Brooks and Seattle Running Club help you meet your 2014 running goals!

Seattle Running Club

Cross Country Media

Pics from 2013 XC Nationals and Smith Rock

Mud, hills and cold….how can you beat that….awesome !!!! And a few of the best runners to compete with….quite a party. Then a few of us headed out to Smith Park the next day to shake things out. Great weekend!


Featured Interviews

Shoeless Joe “Where Are They Now?” 2013 Holiday Special Xtravaganza Facebook One Direction!

Hello everyone! Welcome to a special “Where Are They Now?” edition of the Shoeless Joe Interview! I took all those awesome souls who let me into their lives and invited them to sit at a round table inside a Starbucks in Greenwood. Then I conducted mini interviews with them all, one at a time. Then I asked them to pull out their phone and txt message me a pic or two or ten and voila! After the Starbucks lady asked me to leave, I put it all together into this package. Sit back, perhaps in a Starbucks, and find out what everyone’s been up to!

Happy Holidays, and to all a great 2014! <3



Date of original interview: April 9, 2013
Dirty Dancing or Pretty Woman: Labyrinth
Interview number: 5/6
Shoeless Joe Holiday Special - Jodee
SJ: I recently stopped by UltraSignup for my weekly ogling at your 99.5% score and saw you’ve signed up for White River 50 next July! Are my eyes deceiving me? Will you pleeeaaase chick me?
Jodee Adams-Moore: Chick me? Not sure what you mean by that but…I am now running for Scott and as they put on this grand event they would like me to run it. It’s about time I try a 50 miler and in my own back yard even better!

SJ: Speaking of, any #fun reactions you can recall getting from guys as you fly by them during a race?
JAM: I can’t think of any but I usually just start out fast and try to stay there, so there isn’t much passing anyhow.

Shoeless Joe Holiday Special - Jodee & ToroSJ: What would you need to get out of the deal to allow me to tell people “My running is sponsored by Jodee Adams-Moore” because I totally haven’t done that already.
JAM: A nice little cabin with a wood stove and a bunch of windows dripping with crystal prisms.

SJ: :\ What do you hope to have learned and/or accomplished in the upcoming year, running or otherwise?
JAM: I’d like to go further into the space of floating – longer and at even more peace. I just want to further my practice of dancing within the ring of fire. I hope this ring travels to Europe. I hope this ring floats over to Isla de La Palma sometime around May 10th, 2014.

SJ: Besides your new Scott Sports sponsorship, what other doors have opened to you as a result of our interview?
JAM: Well the tap dancing has really just taken off, but I’m afraid I can’t talk about that now.


SJ: This one is a request from a fan of mine (or maybe yours?) named “Max F.” that was so good I had to include it: “Least favorite way to open a beer?”
JAM: With my teeth.

SJ: What amount of annual salary would convince you to accept a job as a meter maid?
JAM: Good question Joe! I’m gonna have to meditate real hard on that one for quite some time.



Website :: Twitter
Date of original interview: November 13, 2012
Dirty Dancing or Pretty Woman: Pretty Woman
Interview number: 3/6
Shoeless Joe Holiday Special - Sage
SJ: Most of our previous interview centered around the fact that you were borderline undateable but still pining for a cute runner girlfriend. And shortly after our interview you suddenly had one. Coincidence? What other factors were involved there?
Sage Canaday: I got really lucky! It just so happened that my dream girl came along and decided to put up with my shenanigans! We have a ton in common and she’s my ideal adventure partner. Dreams really do come true!

SJ: You’ve spent quite a bit of time traveling the world this year. Seen anything cool?
SC: There was this cool bird in New Zealand called the “Kiwi.” It’s like their national bird there and it’s endangered. I got to see one in captivity and it was really funny looking…kind of like a chicken with a super long beak.

SJ: What do you hope to have learned and/or accomplished in the upcoming year?
SC: I’ve learned that I have a lot more to learn when it comes to mountain-ultra-trail running. So far I think the White River 50 was my best 50-mile race ever…it’s kind of been all downhill from there. In the long-term though I want to be competing for the win in every ultra I enter.

Shoeless Joe Holiday Special - Sage StrippingSJ: What other doors have opened to you as a result of our interview, besides your improved roommate situation?
SC: Well the improved roommate situation was huge! I’d have to say the luxury of getting to travel from New Zealand to La Palma to Switzerland all in a year was pretty sweet. I really owe that to our first interview (you know, getting the word out there for my sponsors too). I also officially have Avery Brewing as my beer sponsor now (major plug).


SJ: You mentioned getting “Plain Cheese Canaday” as a(n awful) nickname during your time at Hansons. Do you have a new, better nickname now?
SC: I’d like to be known as a “MUT Runner.” It’s also the title of a film project I’m working on.

SJ: What amount of annual salary would convince you to accept a job as a meter maid?
SC: Hmmmm. Can my title be “Meter Man?” That job sounds pretty priceless. It would have to be at least quadruple what I make as a pro ultra-runner!



Website :: Twitter
Date of original interview: July 24, 2012
Dirty Dancing or Pretty Woman: Dirty Dancing
Interview number: 2/6
Shoeless Joe Holiday Special - Greg
SJ: Last time we spoke, you were nursing a long-suffering achilles injury. What is the status on that? Do you still like running?
Greg Crowther: I’m currently running about 50 miles a week, including some speedwork, and my Achilles seems fine. I’m enjoying the chance to train for races again, as opposed to being a fitness jogger. I guess I’m like a lot of people in that I have to be training for something.

SJ: You recently turned 40 and became a Masters runner. Has that caused you to think about your own mortality?
GC: Nope — I was already thinking about it. Has it caused YOU to think about my mortality?

SJ: Not often. What do you hope to have learned and/or accomplished in the year 2014?
GC: Running-wise, I hope to return to ultramarathons, starting with the Bridle Trails 50K in January. Perhaps the Mad City 100K and/or the White River 50 after that, if all goes well.

SJ: What doors have opened to you as a result of our interview?
GC: Well, my paper “Cofactor-independent phosphoglycerate mutase from nematodes has limited druggability, as revealed by two high-throughput screens” was accepted for publication by the journal PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. Coincidence?

Shoeless Joe Holiday Special - Greg with Joe Gray Shoeless Joe Holiday Special - Greg's Book Shoeless Joe Holiday Special - Greg at Bumbershoot


SJ: Christmas is fast approaching. Wait, are you Jewish?
GC: No.

SJ: Ok good! What is one thing on Greg Crowther’s wish list this holiday season?
GC: A light running backpack for commuting. (Deuter Race x Air or something similar.) And some packs of those Honey Stingers for ultras. My friend Pam Smith (Western States champ) recommended them as being easier to chew than Clif Shot Bloks, and she’s right!

SJ: I agree, I love Shot Bloks! What amount of annual salary would convince you to accept a job as a meter maid?
GC: Joe, I gotta go. Happy holidays.



Date of original interview: December 3, 2013
Dirty Dancing or Pretty Woman: forgot to ask but probably Pretty Woman
Interview number: 6/6
Shoeless Joe Holiday Special - Martin
SJ: Have you showed your girlfriend or boss or parents or other family members our most excellent interview, particularly the video speed round? What were their thoughts?
Martin Mudry: I got the following e-mail from a friend I rarely hear from:
“My mom just sent me a link to an interview you did. Maybe she saw it on Facebook…I don’t understand the world anymore. Looked like good stuff.”

SJ: As a public service, what words of wisdom/advice/encouragement would you give future interview subjects of mine before we get started?
MM: Be ready to be in it for the long haul.

SJ: What do you hope to have learned and/or accomplished in the upcoming year?
MM: I feel like that is such an important question, and sadly I’m not sure I have an answer yet.

Shoeless Joe Holiday Special - Martin at MailboxSJ: What doors have opened to you as a result of our interview?
MM: Still waiting, at this point I’d be happy with even a window or two.


SJ: What was the best (non-video game) christmas gift you’ve ever received? What’s the worst you’ve ever given?
MM: There were few feelings that matched the anticipation from wait for a battery to charge up in order to use a new remote control car.
I’m pretty bad about giving gifts, but think when I go for it they’re usually not too bad. Maybe some sort of art related thing that I end up liking more than the recipient?

SJ: What amount of annual salary would convince you to accept a job as a meter maid?
MM: I saw an opening for a position in the spring and remember thinking I’d consider it if it was $18/hour or more. Now I’d probably take 115k or more a year, but ya never know–life changes fast.



Website :: Twitter
Date of original interview: December 17, 2012
Dirty Dancing or Pretty Woman: Dirty Dancing
Interview number: 4/6
Shoeless Joe Holiday Special - Sarah Robinson
SJ: Since our interview, you kinda blew up. You ran a 1:18 half and tho you fell short of your ultimate goal in the Chicago Marathon (Olympic Trials qualification), you still ran a 2:47 in just your 2nd serious marathon attempt. First off, you’re welcome 😀 Secondly, I guess my question is what happened to my Oiselle Rundies Model application? I never got a call-back! 🙁
SR: Blew up in more ways than one, I suppose. Yeah…we found someone a little less…ummm…

SJ: Oiselle is also blowing up. What is it like to pretty much be accomplishing things 24 hours a day?
SR: So much blowing up! Yeah when I look at short comings in Chicago, I also remember how much else is going on in life. The picture is bigger than finish lines. This summer was a dream…on location photoshoot in Bend starring Lauren Fleshman, walking the runway in NYC, launching an amazing F13 line on I have a good life.

SJ: What do you hope to have learned and/or accomplished in the upcoming year, running or otherwise?
SR: How to enjoy the process and respect the accomplishments along the way. I’m an all or nothing person, that can be dangerous…especially when you find yourself on the nothing side. My glass is never half full or empty. That thing is either spilling over or bone dry.

SJ: What other doors have opened to you as a result of our interview?
SR: So many! I’m guest starring on a past episode of 30 Rock as Liz Lemon’s BFF.

Shoeless Joe Holiday Special - Sarah Robinson Shoeless Joe Holiday Special - Sarah and a Oiselle photoshoot Shoeless Joe Holiday Special - Sarah at New York Fashion Week Shoeless Joe Holiday Special - Sarah Robinson


SJ: Christmas Movie Sequel Showdown FMK! Elf vs. Christmas Story vs. Home Alone
SR: Write in vote: National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. Although I do share Buddy’s love of sugar.

SJ: What amount of annual salary would convince you to accept a job as a meter maid?
SR: Solid gold bars and Apple stock.



Date of original interview: May 1, 2012
Dirty Dancing or Pretty Woman: Pretty Woman
Interview number: 1/6
Shoeless Joe Holiday Special - Uli Steidl
SJ: You recently jumped into and won the Seattle Marathon for the 10th time. What are all your competitors doing wrong? How come no one can beat a bald 41 year-old?
Uli Steidl: Clearly, my competitors are running too slow. They could run faster by either increasing their stride frequency or stride length, or both. It is actually pretty simple.
And less hair means less weight, and less air resistance. That definitely helped at this year’s race, as anyone who ran it this year can confirm.

SJ: You’re going to turn 42 next year. What worries do you have about degeneration of your muscles and joints from all this running? What if you’re in a wheelchair at 50?!
US: Why do you feel it is necessary to point out my age in both your first and second question? Is that because you’re as bald as I am, even though you are 8 years younger?
Muscle degeneration???!!?!? Have you SEEN my legs??? Those are the best looking legs in town. Why do you think I always wear short shorts?
I will not be in a wheelchair at 50 from too much running. If you think I will, I happily take a bet with $XXX,XXX.00 wager.

SJ: What do you hope to have learned and/or accomplished in the upcoming year?
US: There are a few things I would like to accomplish next year, but I don’t want to talk about them publicly. I’d rather accomplish something first, and then others can talk about it if they want to.

SJ: What doors have opened to you as a result of our interview?
US: Sadly, none to date. Although I had quite a few people tell me they “read the interview with you by Shoeless Joe.” That was usually followed by comments like “Is this guy for real?” or “This guy is nuts!” or “You’re really patient. How did you not walk out this interview after the third question?” And those were the PG comments…

Shoeless Joe Holiday Special - Uli in 2006 Shoeless Joe Holiday Special - Uli in normal clothes


SJ: I’m running my first ever beer mile in early January.
US: Congratulations! How is you training going? I know your time at Chico State prepared you well for the drinking part – only a Wazzu education could have prepared you better…but the running part needs some work.

SJ: Have you ever run one? If not, what do you think you could run one in?
US: No, I have not done one. Based on the official rules, a beer mile would require me to drink more than my average monthly beer consumption within a 5 – 6 minute period.

SJ: Would you be interested in participating in my beer mile?
US: Possibly. Over the years quite a few people said they would pay good money to see me get drunk. If there is a way to monetize this beer mile, I’m interested.

SJ: What amount of annual salary would convince you to accept a job as a meter maid?
US: About $50,000. Plus benefits. That’s $25 per hour for 40 hours per week for 50 weeks. plus benefits. It would be boring, though. But still more entertaining than, say, updating websites all the time.


Call for Comments

  • Look at Uli’s hair! 😀
  • How much salary would you require to become a meter maid?
  • Predict my inaugural beer mile time!

Call for Support

Prior Episodes

Featured Interviews Media

Shoeless Joe Interview #6 – Martin Mudry

Shoeless Joe Interview #6 - Martin Mudry

It’s been a whole bunch of months, which must mean it’s time for another Shoeless Joe Interview! Martin Mudry is a local runner and filmmaker, so I look forward to hearing what he thinks of my cool footwear!


Shoeless Joe: Hi everybody! And thanks for all the kind words for my interview with Jodee Adams-Moore. I was actually reprimanded though at the most recent SRC board meeting and told under no circumstances was I to submit a 4th consecutive interview without a card-carrying Seattle Running Club member. (I was also told to stop talking about being reprimanded at SRC board meetings, so this will be the last time, apologies).

Where Dreams Don't Fade PosterI found a cool dude who’s not only worn the pretty blue singlet, but is an actual filmmaker. Martin Mudry has worn our colors the past couple XC seasons and he’s the co-director of a new documentary, “Where Dreams Don’t Fade” which follows three hopeful distance runners in their respective quests to make a living as a runner in the ultra-competitive running town of Kenya.

Martin, thanks for talking to me!

Martin Mudry: Glad to be here.

SJ: Cool! I know I said “talking” but this time we’re actually *writing* each other via email! Martin lives way over in the college district so I haven’t found the time to get out there from West Seattle. Why fight technology?! Who knows, maybe it’ll be easier this way!

So Martin, one of the things I’ve learned is that despite having worn the hallowed blue singlet, you’re actually relatively new to the area. Care to give us a comprehensive list of reasons why Seattle won out, and who she was up against?

MM: Seattle was up against some tough competition. Last summer I moved to Philadelphia to work on the TV show Political Animals. Prior to that I had been living in smaller towns (Colorado Springs; Iten, Kenya) and I really liked being in a big city again. But I also really missed the mountains. So as much as I liked Philly, I knew I would be heading west again.

SJ: So how did you get up here?

MM: Basically I drove up the coast–Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, and Seattle. I lived in LA in 2009-2010 and had spent a fair amount of time in San Francisco, but the Pacific Northwest was completely new. In fact I’m still getting used to the mountains here. When I was driving and first saw Mt. Shasta, I thought it must be a cloud because it was way too big to be a mountain. Rainier still seems bafflingly large when it comes out for the first time in a while. In the end Seattle was new, big, and within striking distance of plenty of trails and peaks. Plus the outdoor culture here is pretty cool. Los Angeles is closer to the mountains than Denver and yet most people in LA don’t even realize there are mountains near by.

SJ: Yeah, they’re too busy surfing or adding avocado to their fish tacos! On your drive up north did you happen to pass through Chico, California?

MM: (looks up Chico on google) I guess I technically passed it but I drove on I-5 straight from Davis, CA to Portland. I remember when I entered Oregon I got yelled at for pumping my own gas.

SJ: Ugh, don’t get me started! Next time just politely remind them that they had 13% more crystal meth-related “incidents” in 2012 than Washington did (nine versus eight!) despite having almost half the population. Then tip the guy 13 pennies and speed off singing “Black Hole Sun” as loud as possible.


Shoeless Joe & Martin Mudry

SJ: How long after reaching Seattle did you find the Seattle Running Club?

MM: I found the group pretty quick. In Philly I had three months where I ran completely alone and I wanted to be sure that I made an effort to find other runners this time around. I tried a few different groups via MeetUp but picked SRC since the Tuesday night runs attract some quick people and the group is more trail-focused.

SJ: Did you run alone in Philly because the people there are intolerable Eagles/Phillies/Flyers fans? And did you learn how to make a proper cheesesteak?

MM: Being allergic to milk (since birth) meant no Philly cheesesteaks and no famous pretzels. And speaking of cake, surprisingly, Philadelphia, being a rough and tough kind of city, had amazing vegan desserts everywhere. Which made life OK. In terms of why I ran alone, I just didn’t do a good job of reaching out to meet new people. Plus I was working 60-80 hour weeks so it would be pretty hard to schedule runs at 11pm or 6am, which is often when I would run.

SJ: So if I read between the lines, what you’re saying is that for you, so far, Seattle destroys Philly…except maybe in terms of vegan desserts?

MM: Seattle is a pretty amazing place in its own right, and I’m slowly figuring out the vegan dessert crisis (PCC in Fremont has really good chocolate chip cookies for $1). But part of me really fell in love with Philadelphia. I describe it as Detroit meets NYC. It has both a super busy and dense downtown area and then all these burrow like neighborhoods of NYC but also has tons of crumbling ruin porn houses and factories, ala Detroit. It’s like the wild west. Guys on ATVs and dirt bikes will just fly around the not-so-great neighborhoods. Even the police acknowledged they have a non-pursuit policy since many of the drivers are under 18 and can out-speed the cops anyway on the narrow streets. So they just fly around at 60 mph. I also think of Philly as the LA of the East Coast in that it’s very patchwork-like; you’ll have a beautiful old building that no one even thinks twice about next to a generic piece of junk stucco strip mall. In any other city in the US, the old building would be preserved and highlighted, but since they have tons of stuff from the 19th and 18th century, it just get squeezed in with the next utilitarian design.

Martin Mudry Philly Pics Martin Mudry Philly Pics Martin Mudry Philly Pics Martin Mudry Philly Pics

SJ: Wow that’s surprising! Everything I had previously known about Philadelphia came from this video, which admittedly made Philly seem pretty cool. Your pics paint a slightly different picture.

MM: I think that video embodies all my ambitions as a filmmaker. In fact, between knowing that music video exists and reflecting on Where Dreams Don’t Fade, I’ll probably throw in the towel on this whole film thing.

SJ: Speaking of your documentary, it’s a great inside look at what it means to train in a running-rich town like Kenya. How did you come to the idea of making this film?

MM: The idea for the film came when I traveled to the country of Kenya in 2007 to train with a group of professional Kenyan runners. I had the chance to live and train with former steeplechase WR holder Wilson Boit Kipketer and once I was there realized how little we (the West) knew about Kenyan running.

Even before I went, all I could find were tidbits here and there about running to school, running barefoot and training as a “way out of poverty.” The truth is much more complex and interesting than all that, both playing into some of the stereotypes and in other ways flipping things 180 degrees.

Where Dreams Don't FadeWhere Dreams Don't FadeWhere Dreams Don't Fade

Where Dreams Don't FadeWhere Dreams Don't FadeWhere Dreams Don't Fade

Where Dreams Don't FadeWhere Dreams Don't FadeWhere Dreams Don't Fade

SJ: Yeah it was definitely much more “real world” than other things I’ve seen on the subject. Not to spoil, but one guy barely runs a step! That’s the real world though, right? So was it a worry of yours whether your subjects would be able to get you good footage, and tell their story coherently? Did you mail them the cameras with instructions & such? That sounds like a potential headache! I bet part of you wished you were there instead.

MM: (fake laughter) It would have been interesting to see what they would have come up with if we had them shoot the footage. But no, Alex Nichols (co-director) and I lived in Kenya for over 3 months shooting what turned out to be 42 hours of footage. We also did just a tiny bit of running; I think I averaged over 100 mpw for the 14 weeks we were there. Basically we would get up, film, run, maybe travel to another location by bus then walk a few miles, film, walk/bus back and run again, cook Ugali, upload footage, and call it a day.

SJ: Oh wow, you went there to film it too?! I did a little video editing in college (awful, self-satisfied look on face) and I couldn’t imagine flying out to Kenya at that age–24? 25?–and making a documentary that actually *looks* like a documentary and not some college project shot with a camcorder. How did the opportunity evolve and how did you and Alex go about choosing the three main subjects you ended up choosing?

Shoeless Joe & Martin Mudry

MM: I met Alex on the Colorado College XC team. I was the only freshman on what turned out to be a pretty strange and talented team. Before I got on campus, I signed on to the team’s online training log (RIP and thought it was a joke when I saw future teammate Tony (Anton Krupicka) logging 180-220 mile weeks.

My freshman year in general was a mixed experience and ultimately I transferred to Macalester College which is where the Kenya connection began. A teammate there was studying and volunteering in Kenya (unrelated to running) and literally bumped into some guys he thought might be runners. Turns out one was the Frankfurt Marathon Champion, another Berlin Marathon winner, and not to be left out – Wilson Boit Kipketer. Long story short, they invited him to train with them and when I arrived at Macalester I grilled this guy all about the experience. My sophomore year ended with me traveling to Kenya for the summer to live/train with Wilson’s group and ultimately the idea to come back and make a film.

I continued to keep in touch with the Colorado College crew and in 2010 with both Alex and I working various jobs in the film industry, we decided to plan our exit strategies and make the film in 2011.

SJ: Wow I have so many questions now and I know Win will yell at me if I go over my word count limit 🙁 So let me see how succinct I can be: Haze you? If so, how? First summer typical day? Cross fit? Food/energy drinks? How they train? Yes?

MM: No real hazing, but when I told people my 5k PR on my first day (15:11), they would outright laugh. Then they would sincerely ask if I was training for the World Championships in 2 months. That kinda sums up Kenya right there, the fact that a 15:00 5k is considered quite slow, and yet even runners who had run sub-13:00 didn’t think it was unreasonable for someone of my current ability to be aiming for the world stage.

Typical Kenyan training day: up at 5:45am, start running in the dark at 6am at 12 minute mile pace. At 6:15 it’s like someone threw a light switch as it goes from night to day; the sunrise is extremely quick on the equator. The pace would progressively speed up but depending on the day might only get down to 7-8 minute miles if an easy run, or I might be at race-pace effort (mid to low 5 minute miles) and dropped by the group 20 minutes in if they were going harder. If the morning run was just an easy run, then often there’d be a track or interval workout at 10am. And finally jogging in the evening at around 5pm.

One big thing in Kenya was having to learn to run slow. Sometimes an evening run would average at 9-10 min mile pace, and this is with a 2:07 marathoner and world record holder. The big thing is on a daily and weekly basis the runners would both run a lot slower and a lot faster than most runners do here in the US.

Cross fit had me laugh, but they *do* do some wacky workouts now and again, but most people did them sporadically after runs and not as a dedicated daily routine or anything. Food wise: a mostly vegetarian diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Tons of chai tea with lots of whole milk. Nothing extraordinary although they would claim that Ugali (a corn flour and water mix) is key.

SJ: Do you know what it’s time for??

MM: I can only imagine…

SJ: Thanks Martin, and way to go on the Speed Round! Can I ask you though…off the record, don’t worry–unless you answer a certain way and then it’s on the record–please tell me you’re at least sort of aware of the show Saved by the Bell.

MM: Not only am I aware of the show Saved by the Bell, I regrettably am all too familiar with being compared to a certain character. Of all the people in the world someone could say “Do you know who you look like…” I get Shia Labeouf (only if my hair’s short)…and Screech. That is all.

SJ: Haha! At least you can take solace in Screech being a genius who built a talking robot when he was like 12 years old! Who then…used that genius in ensuing years being Mr. Belding’s toadie in SBTB: The New Class. So…nevermind. But hey nice work in the speed round, Martin!

Getting back to more normal things, I still want to discuss your film aspirations as it’s one thing I can at least hold my own in conversationally, since I’ve used Adobe Premiere before and have watched people use Final Cut. After your experience in Kenya and the experience of editing a feature-length documentary, what do you want to do next? Another running-related subject, a new topic altogether, or are you completely burned out on film and you never want to work on another project ever again?

MM: Going into Where Dreams Don’t Fade, one of my biggest concerns was getting pegged as a running filmmaker. Alex and I talked a lot about what type of film we wanted to make and we both were clear that this time (opposed to Alex’s other film Indulgence: 1000 Miles Under the Colorado Sky on Anton Krupicka) we wanted to make a documentary for a general audience that happened to be on runners, and not a “running film.”

Before the film festivals I was told by other filmmakers to be ready for the question “What’s your next project?” as festivals can be a way to secure funding for a second film.

SJ: Like I just did!

Shoeless Joe & Martin Mudry

MM: …right. I did not have an answer to that question then and still do not now. I was pretty clear that I did not want to simply make another film for its own sake. And while I wouldn’t rule out ever making a film related to running, it’s not currently on my horizon. If I have another idea I’m interested in then I may try to direct, or more likely produce another film some day, but if not I got a lot out of film between working on big films/TV shows in Hollywood and going through the whole process myself on Dreams. Currently I’m looking forward to moving in a different direction career-wise but supporting projects and young up-and-coming filmmakers in other ways.

That being said, we’re not done with Where Dreams Don’t Fade. We are teaming up with Kourage Athletics which is a Kenyan-produced running brand to do a tour of the film in the US. We’ve also had interest to screen the film in Holland and Kenya. A free public screening in Kenya has always been one of our goals so we’re really looking forward to making that happen in the next year or so. Finally I keep trying to pay it forward; I’ve already helped one stranger through live and train in Kenya like I did, and am currently helping a Canadian runner do the same later this year. The film and my time in Kenya over all has been quite important to me and it all started by a few people willing to share their world with me. I look forward to continue doing the same.

SJ: That’s really big of you to help people on Letsrun, I can’t fathom being that friendly. Africa is a crazy mysterious country I hope to someday visit! How do you think your buddies in Kenya would take to me? Once I get over this surely-not Vibrams-related injury I would love to someday jog with them in the morning before getting dropped like a bag of wet doorknobs.

MM: I think they’d take to you just fine, minus your geography skills perhaps. They might suggest some motion control shoes though.

SJ: you mean like Hokas?

MM: I would love to see some elite Kenyans reactions to Hokas. Maybe that’s what they need to take to trail running; most don’t like pushing on the downhills.

SJ: Is there anything you wanted to ask me? (raises eyebrows, smiles obnoxiously)

MM: “Wait, we’re not actually almost done are we?”

SJ: Now we are!

Shoeless Joe & Martin MudryShoeless Joe & Martin Mudry

My gratitude goes out to Martin for his patience and willingness and, in terms of the video portion, trust. I recently had the honor of being beaten by him in an XC race, but I was simply thrilled we were wearing the same singlet. Well, not the same one, that would be weird. We wore the same desig–you know what, nevermind.

Follow/Like Where Dreams Don’t Fade on Facebook to keep up with its release schedule.

I also thank my brother Terry for doing most of the heavy lifting with the above video as well as the as-usual photos, all for a cheap bottle of bourbon that he didn’t ask for.

Call for Comments

  • Which is your favorite African country?
  • Favorite American Gladiator?
  • Dreams are a funny thing, aren’t they? Have you ever dreamed about me and/or Martin? Do tell!

Call for Support

Prior Episodes

Shoeless Joe & Martin Mudry

All photos of Martin & Joe: Terry Creighton

Club News Featured Media

SRC 10 Year Party Images

I have gathered a few photos from our club’s 10 year party on Nov 9th 2013. Brian Morrison and Fleet Feet opened their doors for us and if I may say so myself, the party was a rager! Actually, let me prove it to you with visual evidence!

Win’s Photos:

Martin Criminale’s Photos:

Joe Creighton’s Photos:
Evan WilliamsClaire & Michelle & RundiesEvan & JoeJoe & GregMax & JoeBeef & CheeseDrunk Brian

Thanks to anyone who made it out, and to whoever drove Brian home!

Club News Cross Country Featured Race Reports

2013 Brooks Team Fall Update

2013 SRC Brooks Team
Our Brooks team members are selected based on their strengths not only as runners but as ambassadors for our great sport. Whether it be racing, volunteering at races, doing trail work, or all of the above, giving back to the running community is what makes one qualified for this team. From the roads to the trails to cross country, from one mile to one hundred, one must represent Seattle Running Club and Brooks proudly. Those members were asked to recap what they’ve accomplished and experienced so far in 2013:

Wendy Wheeler Jacobs

Wendy Wheeler Jacobs
My ulta-running season culminated with the Waldo 100K in August and the Wasatch 100M in September. I have filled out the Fall with some wonderful long day or overnight trail adventures including 2 trips around Mt St Helens (pictured above), PCT section J, and across the Olympic National Park.

I once again managed the course marking and sweeping crew for the Cascade Crest 100, and have volunteered at a few other local races. I am wrapping up production of the 2014 Tribute to the Trails wall calendar, which features Glenn Tachiyama’s well-known trail running photography. These will be available at area running stores and all sales proceeds are donated to the Washington Trails Association to help keep our trails open and maintained. You can expect to see nice photos of club members included!

Keith Laverty

Keith Laverty, Tehaleh Half MarathonThis past spring marked my 10th year of competitive, injury-free running. With a new marathon PR (2:35) under my belt and a solid spring season, I was feeling optimistic as usual. However, like all good streaks: they must come to an end. Starting in early August, I suffered my first serious running injury which has put a damper on my fall road-racing and XC season.

Despite the setbacks, I competed in two 12-person team relays over 190 miles, first by winning the Rocky Mountain Relay in course record time. My 3rd leg, a 1,000 foot elevation gain over 7.5 miles, sounds reasonable enough except when you’ve just awoken from a nap on a cement sidewalk, it’s 3:30 in the morning, the weather is brisk and foggy, and the run finishes at an elevation of 10,400 feet. At the next relay, my team took 5th place in the Mixed Open division of Hood to Coast, the world’s largest team relay. I also tried to take advantage of the summer weather by partaking in a few ‘ol dusty (and often muddy) trail races. With a 1st place finish at the inaugural Tehaleh Trail Half, I won the yearly Evergreen Trail Series. Other results include, 1st at Rattlesnake Ridge 5-mile (27:04), 2nd at Cougar Mtn. 8-mile (53:55) and 1st at Cougar 5k (20:28).

Current plans include the FSRC winter series, Bridle Trails 10-mile, preparing for the 2014 Boston Marathon, enjoying the Brooks gear, and most importantly, running injury-free.

Marlene Farrell

Marlene Farrell at PNTF
Image:Win Van Pelt

My running was focused on medium length trail races this season. It allowed me to train frequently on amazing local trails without the need to get out for really long sessions. I stayed very healthy and enthusiastic about running. I ran the Sunflower Trail Marathon in May, the Red Devil 25k Challenge in June, the Cougar Mountain 20 mile race in July and the Cle Elum Ridge 25k in September. I was pleased to win every race and my highlights were being first overall (men or women) at Sunflower and setting a new course record at Cle Elum by over 26 minutes. Along the way I trained in Brooks Ravenna and Brooks Pure Flow. For the trail races I sometimes wore the Ravenna or else the Racer ST. Now that cross country is underway I am working on speed and wearing the Brooks Mach.

I still write blogs for a local running website out of Wenatchee.

Martin Criminale

Martin Criminale at Cascade Crest 100
In spite of having to recover from a serious injury in early February I achieved two milestones this summer; running my first 50 mile race and my first 100 mile race. My training was a combination of road miles (Brooks Launch) that included several outings with our local Fleet Feet Sports store here in Seattle and trail miles (Brooks Cascadia 8 and PureGrit) by myself, with friends and with the Seattle Running Club at our weekly runs. In both races I wore the Cascadia 8 and loved it! This shoe is comfortable, has reasonable traction and protects the foot extremely well from sharp objects. For both races I also wore the Brooks 5″ Essential Run Short and the Brooks short sleeve EZ T III, both of which were fantastic. Not having to worry about your gear is HUGE when you go long. Thanks for all the support Brooks!

Martin has other updates on his personal website.

Trisha Steidl

Trisha Steidl at PNTFIn July I ran and won the Lord Hill 10K. My hope was to beat the CR I set from the year before. Unfortunately I missed it by a few seconds. Rather than take direct responsibility for those few seconds, I’ll blame it on the late start (I ended up being really hungry by the time we actually started, which was about 30 minutes after the stated start time, partially due to the gate not being opened to the parking lot by the parks folks until much later than scheduled) and the fact that I basically had to walk for a minute or two behind a lady that would not move out of my way early on in the race. Last year there was a coyote that appeared on the side of one of the trails where I was alone and that certainly prompted me to run faster. No coyote this year = no course record this year. Hopefully I’ll be able to run this one again next year and beat the record, with or without the help of a coyote.

The Cougar “Half” (really over 14 miles) in August was an interesting one. I threw up before the race (6 times) and when the gun went off, my stomach was completely empty. I started out in 5th or 6th place and slowly moved up to 2nd/3rd by the bottom of the Wilderness Peak loop. The 2nd/3rd place dance continued for awhile with another lady. As I continued to consume as many gels as possible to make up for the pre-race happenings, I found I was always in a deficit energy-wise. Somehow I managed to be strong on the uphills, but could gain no momentum on the downs. So every up I would catch 2nd and every down I’d go back to 3rd. The Quarry trail was my savior in that it’s a long uphill near the end of the race. There is one short downhill section on that trail and I took full advantage of it and somehow made a big move into first. I ran scared the rest of the way in, assuming my dance partner was going to come up on me at any moment. I ended up winning the race, but the “fun” wasn’t over. I ended the day similarly to how I started in that it was painful and no fun. I fell down a few minutes into my cool down and skidded across some mean gravel stuff and cut up my left leg and knee pretty badly and painfully. At least I got the win!

September brought the Labor Day not-quite-4-miler (instead of the half I originally intended to race). The race isn’t actually called that, but it definitely wasn’t quite a full 4 miles, so I’ve unofficially renamed the event. I ended up winning by about 7 minutes and winning a free pair of shoes for only 24 minutes of work. It was a good call on a morning where I wasn’t feeling very well.

My most recent outing was the PNTF XC race (pictured above). It was my first time racing XC in two years and I had a fun time out on the course. The weather had certainly improved upon the day before when I was out at the Jefferson Park Golf Course in the ridiculous win as we hosted the WAC XC Championships (women were 2nd, men were 4th!) Having a stressful couple of days leading up due to hosting duties, I wasn’t at full capacity for this race, but I gave it what I had on the day and moved up the field the entire time, leading many to believe I ran really fast for the last loop. I simply ran a very even race that allowed me to move from almost last place at the start to 24th.

I’m now looking forward to racing something around the Thanksgiving time and then it’s on to Club XC Nationals in December!

Travis Boyd

This summer my training was focused for the Chicago Marathon by running 110 miles/week on average for the first time ever. My body stayed healthy and I was able to run a few races along the way. I finished in 3rd place at the Run of the Mill 5k in July in 15:04. I finished in 2nd place at the Snoqualmie Railroad Days 10k in 31:03 in August. I won the Overlake Labor Day Half Marathon in September in a personal best of 1:07:47. And I completed my summer/fall season with the Chicago Marathon in October and finished in 27th place in a time of 2:19:56.

Read a brief blog recap about the Chicago Marathon.

Erik Barkhaus

Erik BarkhausTraining in the post-collegiate world has been an adventure so far. I found myself with a few months of summer training freedom before taking on the challenges of balancing a full time work schedule with the demands of heavy training. It always helps me through the rough patches to know that many others have successfully done this and continue to do so every day. I am currently focusing towards Club XC Nationals with the USA Half Marathon Championships soon after!

Greg Crowther

Greg’s update came in the form of a recent blog entry.