Quick Links to Position Description
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Membership Database Manager
- Group Runs Manager
- Cross Country Coordinator
- Sponsorship
- Membership Material Distributor
- Race Director
- Website
- Social Media
- Newsletter
- SRC-Brooks Team Manager
- Member Events
- Member at Large (x2)
- Requires a clear understanding of club mission/vision.
- Chair board meetings.
- Makes decisions based on mission/vision. That do not require vote of the board.
- Financial decisions limited to $200 or less.
- Lead discussion at December and January board meetings regarding goals for upcoming year. Follow up in subsequent board meetings on progress towards those goals.
- Encourage board members to fulfill their role and goals regarding their role.
- Call for votes on special matters that require Board approval.
- Respond to Board member and member concerns about Club matters/circumstances that require the attention of the President.
Vice President
- Assist President with duties.
- Manages the following volunteer positions and report to the board regarding progress for each one.
- Trail Work Coordinator
- Volunteer Coordinator
- White River 50 Aid Station
- Chuckanut 50k Aid Station
- Run Board Meeting in the absence of President and fulfill all duties of President if the President is unable or unavailable to do so.
- Coordinate with the President about following up on outstanding action items assigned to Board members.
- Solicit agenda items for board meetings at least one week prior to each meeting.
- Create meeting agendas and post them for the board in a timely manner.
- Take board meeting minutes.
- Post board meeting minutes.
- Respond to email sent to secretary@seattlerunningclub.org on behalf of the club.
- Understand the mission/vision of the club so you can respond intelligently and correctly.
- Create and use some ‘canned’ responses to questions like, “Can you help me promote a run?”
- Manage club bank account, checking, credit card, PayPal, Venmo, make deposits from monthly Databar checks, donations in, offline membership applications (if still applicable), XC reimbursements, fundraising efforts. Writing checks for apparel purchases, screen printing, XC registrations, refunds, invoices, donations out, race staff, service & supply reimbursements, new asset purchases.
- Maintain IRS non-profit status, City of Seattle Business License, RRCA Membership, USATF Membership, State of Washington Department of Revenue sales tax payments,
- Report state of financials (past, current and forecasted) to board at each meeting.
- Furnish financials to accountant for IRS filing.
- Provide a budget for Race Director (Cougar, Bridle, Fat Glass) to follow and possibly the funds to work independently of the Treasurer to make purchases.
Membership Database Manager
- Monitor the database.
- Monitor activity related to new signups and renewals.
- There are emails that spit out data related to the person that just signed up or renewed. Make sure everything looks OK and then archive that email!
- Update the membership card related code.
- The Membership Material Distributor also gets the emails referenced in the previous bullet; make sure things are up to their liking! The template is already created and “just works” as of 2015.
- This role does not store or mail club apparel or materials.
- Communicate regularly with Treasurer, Membership Materials Distributor, and President
- Hand over any physical checks to Treasurer.
Group Runs Manager
- Manages Sunday trail runs (typically on Cougar Mtn), Wednesday workouts, and any other club runs (currently, Tuesday hill repeats)
- Promote group runs to membership/coordinate with Communications Chair/Social Media/Newsletter.
- Promote monthly destination runs.
- Promote and organize group runs to prepare for popular events or SRC sponsored races such as White River 50.
- Develop, publish, and adhere to a pre-run protocol. Before the start of the run have everyone introduce themselves. Explain the run. Make sure everyone is comfortable with their participation in the run. Regroup periodically.
- No group runs the day of/after Bridle Trails, Cougar Mountain races, Fat Glass (possibly also January Fat Ass, Chuckanut 50k, White River, Cascade Crest)
Cross Country Coordinator
- Oversees race registration, database of runner info, team captains (for open men, open women, masters men, masters women, 50s men and 50s women), set up and take down of tents and equipment, social events, pre and post-season parties
- Manages team captains
- Develop a timeline of what needs to be accomplished each month leading up to XC season, during, and following XC season.
- Plan and submit XC budget taking into account where Nationals are hosted
- Draft and get approval for sponsorship guidelines.
- Solicit sponsors.
- Generate and archive sponsorship agreements/contracts.
- Ensure that each sponsor signs an agreement every year (or each time period the agreement is up for renewal).
- Communicate the terms of these agreements to the board
- Work with sponsors so that each relationship is a win/win for the club and the sponsor, relationships evolve and as needs/goals change so should our agreement/contract.
- Work with the Website position to ensure that the Sponsors page on our public website is current.
- Work with the Communications person to promote our sponsors via social media.
- Work with the sponsors so they can promote themselves to our membership.
Membership Material Distributor (Apparel, Membership Cards, Stickers)
- Order, track, and store inventory of club apparel and what was sent to whom and when it was sent. Current inventory should be available to the entire board.
- Distribute (mail/deliver/arrange pick-up) apparel and membership cards to new and renewing members. Maintain adequate stock of address labels, shipping, and other supplies.
- Ensure apparel is available for purchase at club functions, XC meets, club affiliated races, and partner business events with membership material and forms in order to process new and renewing members.
- From time to time come up with promotions to keep apparel sales and memberships flowing.
- Work with Sponsorship position to ensure our partner business have current club application materials.
- Communicate regularly with Treasurer and Membership Database Manager.
Salary: $750 per event
- Manage Cougar Mountain (5 events) and Bridle Trails race committee.
- Committee takes on the following responsibilities: volunteer coordinator, registration, promotion, course marking, timing, sweeping and course clean up, set up and take down, permits, food (aid stations and post race meal), awards, track volunteers.
- Maintain our event websites and registration account.
- Keeps public website content up to date with pictures, blogs posts, and events.
- This position actively solicits content from the board
- Communicate regularly with Communications/Social Media/Newsletter position as well as Group Runs Manager, Membership Materials Distributor, Race Director, Sponsorship position, Member Events position, SRC-Brooks Team Manager, and others, as needed
Social Media
- This position actively solicits content from the Board
- Communicate regularly with Website position as well as Group Runs Manager, Membership Materials Distributor, Race Director, Sponsorship position, Member Events position, SRC-Brooks Team Manager, and others, as needed
- Manage or solicit volunteers to actively maintain our social media presence (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
- Promote member running stories
- Content typically includes:
- Upcoming races
- Call for volunteers
- Club events/adventure runs/group runs
- Partner business acknowledgment
- Trail work parties (May-Aug and Oct)
- SRC-Brooks Team info
- Encouraging members to become involved in the workings of the club (teams, board meetings, etc).
- Elections
- This position actively solicits content from the Board
- Communicate regularly with Website position as well as Group Runs Manager, Membership Materials Distributor, Race Director, Sponsorship position, Member Events position, SRC-Brooks Team Manager, and others, as needed
- Promote member running stories
- Send newsletters to membership bi-monthly on Wednesdays to all club members
- Solicit content from and send draft to board members at least three days prior to each release to flush out what needs to be included in the newsletter as well as for any edits; check minutes from previous board meeting for additional newsletter content; make sure all links are working
- Content typically includes:
- Upcoming races
- Call for volunteers
- Club events/adventure runs/group runs
- Partner business acknowledgment
- Trail work parties (May-Aug and Oct)
- SRC-Brooks Team info
- Encouraging members to become involved in the workings of the club (teams, board meetings, etc).
- Elections
SRC-Brooks Team Manager
- Manage team members, utilizing Google doc spreadsheet
- Liason with Brooks on behalf of club, including negotiating new contract, when needed
- Solicit applications and select team (submit to board for approval)
- Order and distribute team gear
- Promote team to Brooks and club membership
- Communicate with Website and Communications/Social Media/Newsletter positions
- Track volunteer hours, communicating with Volunteer and Trailwork Party coordinators
- Set up monthly team group runs as well as any team get togethers
Member Events Coordinator
- Create and put on social events (e.g., annual member appreciation party, movie or talk related to running, promo event at partner store, etc.) that build and strengthen the community within the club’s current members
- Obtain event facilities, provide food and drink, promote event, registration for event (if/when needed)
- Communicate closely with Website and Communications/Social Media/Newsletter positions to disseminate event information to club members, recruit volunteers as well as the Treasurer
- Potentially create and oversee an events committee or solicit volunteers for specific events
- Suggest and work with the Board to develop additional member benefits
- Provide annual calendar events with time lines to prepare for event
- Potentially also coordinate fundraising opportunities (e.g., working with the Sponsorship position.
This position is intended to provide the board with valuable input from the membership and to ensure that the board is working in the interest of the membership.
Board Member Duties and Responsibilities
- Board meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of the month from 7-9pm during the following months:
- January, March, May, August, September, October, November, December
- Half of the meeting are held online (via Google Meet) with in-person meetings occurring the following months: January, May, August, October
- Perform the duties of your position, maintain and update internal documentation, update meeting agendas regarding your position, and participate in discussions and votes